Where Are the Reviews In the Major Scientific Journals?

Isn't it interesting that most of the major science publications that include the field of astronomy in their coverage have published -- no reviews at all. I've inquired at some of these, and learned that they have sought qualified reviewers from mainstream astronomy, and found no one willing to undertake the task. Reviewers, of course, are under no obligation to publish favorable reviews, and they could be as critical as they felt the book deserved. The book's author is on no review committees, and won't be asked to review or approve any grant or tenure applications by prospective reviewers. So in essence, any of them could take a free shot at the book. Instead, almost none of them were willing to review it for publication. A conjecture: Perhaps it was not the author they feared for making a negative review, but the backlash from their own mainstream colleagues they feared for making any favorable comments, or even for publicizing the book more.
-- Tom Van Flandern